
Learning about common cold symptoms, transmission causes, and associated risk.

Medpho Team December 2, 2023

Caught the common cold? Don't ignore these cold symptoms too quickly. While the common cold is very common in winter season, we should still take preventive measures to avoid it. For a lot of people, common cold is a minor inconvenience, but it can sometimes lead to something more serious. This a quick guide to know what are common cold symptoms and why you should pay attention to those symptoms.

Common symptoms of cold inlcude, a runny nose, sneezing, and a scratchy throat. Many of us assume that it's just another seasonal change that will go away with some rest and a cup of hot tea. However, the common cold is caused by viruses, and if left untreated, these can lead to secondary infections that may require hospotalization.

One common complication that can be caused after untreated cold is sinusitis, where the sinuses become inflamed. This not only worsen the cold symptoms but can lead to severe headaches and facial pain. Moreover, the prolonged cold virus can weaken the respiratory system, making it easier for bacteria to invade and grow. This can lead to bronchitis or pneumonia, turning what started as a mere cold into a potentially serious respiratory infection.

For patients with pre-existing conditions, such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a new common cold can trigger or worsen symptoms. The inflammed airways can cause difficulty breathing, and in severe cases, may require medical intervention.

Moreover, children and the elderly are particularly vulnerable in such changing seasons. A simple untreated cold in a child can lead to ear infections or more severe respiratory issues. Similarly, older adults may find it harder to treat cold, increasing the risk of complications.

So, what can you do? Don't underestimate or ignore the common cold after a certain period. For speedy recovery, take rest and stay hydrated in the early stages. If symptoms are persistent and you see no result, visit the doctor. Moreover, keep an eye out for signs like high fever, shortness of breath, or chest pain.

At last, let’s learn one simple mantra: prevention is key. To reduce the risk of catching cold, practice good hygiene, like frequent handwashing and avoiding close contact with those who are sick. However, if you still fall sick and don’t see any results, you can see a doctor and get admitted in a nearby hospital. Hospital admissions for a lot of diseases are covered in Ayushman Yojna. If you live in or around Moradabad and Barielly, UP, you can call and get all the information by calling or dropping a text on 88569-88569.
