
Are you aware of Rheumatoid Arthritis in hand?

Medpho Team May 1, 2023

Rheumatoid arthritis is a medical condition wherein inflammation or swelling of one or more joints occurs. It may result in joint destruction and even call for a joint replacement if the disability is challenging enough. Our hands have many joints and are most prone to arthritis. rheumatoid arthritis in hand usually begins between 30 and 50, but it can start as early as childhood.

Arthritis attacks the lining of the joints or the cartilage commonly. As arthritis proceeds, the cartilage eventually cracks down, making the bones sensitive, rub against each other and wear out. You don't have a specific test to diagnose arthritis in a finger. Looking at your medical history and clinical examination, the doctor decides your arthritis status.

In this blog let’s get an understanding of arthritis symptoms in the hands what happens during arthritis and home remedies that can reduce arthritis complications.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms in Hands

The early signs of arthritis may change depending on the type of arthritis, the age of the person, and which joint is affected. The earliest signs and symptoms of arthritis in hands, including

Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms in Hands

  • Joints stiffness, particularly in the morning
  • Pain in the affected area
  • swelling at the affected site
  • Reduced motion at the affected joint
  • Affected joint displays redness in skin color
  • Function loss of joints involved
  • popping sound during joint movement
  • Muscle mass loss at the affected site

It often starts with joint pain and stiffness in the hands and toes, impacting both sides. The rheumatoid arthritis symptoms in hand progress with time, gradually causing pain and stiffness, reflecting in a week. Its advancement can affect the shoulder, elbows, knees, jaw, and neck areas. Some other symptoms include.

  • Pain relief
  • Fatigues
  • Tenderness in joint
  • Loss of weight

Hand arthritis happens when inflammation in one or more hand and wrist joints. The doctor may suggest a blood test to measure the inflammation providing essential clues about rheumatoid arthritis results on whether it is not caused by aging or wear-and-tear on the joints.

Are you experiencing ache swelling immobility issues in your finger or wrist joints? Get the right remedy for your hand arthritis with free doctor consultation on #BasEkCall at 88569-88569 with Medpho 24*7.

What are the most common types of Arthritis in Hands?

As per studies, more than 100 types of arthritis are known to occur worldwide. A few common types of arthritis that affect the hands are

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Post-traumatic arthritis (arthritis resulting from an injury)
  • Psoriatic arthritis
  • Gout

However, amongst these types, the two most common types of rheumatoid arthritis in hands are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Hand osteoarthritis occurs when wear and tear of one or more hand joints are seen with increasing age.

What happens during Rheumatoid arthritis in hand?

In rheumatoid arthritis in hand, the immune system starts targeting the lining of the joints (synovium). The synovium is responsible for the smooth movement of the joints, and during arthritis, it becomes inflamed and swells, developing in pain with activity. Without therapy to interrupt this cycle, rheumatoid arthritis ultimately causes joint impairment and deformity and limits the patient's capability to use the affected joints. The cartilage acts as a cushion between two bony surfaces, and the synovial fluid within the joint's shields ensures easy motion.

Blood Tests for Rheumatoid arthritis in finger?

The blood test for rheumatoid arthritis in the finger will estimate various markers, including

  • antinuclear antibodies
  • C-reactive protein
  • anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide
  • rheumatoid factor
  • erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)

Looking for the best diagnostic test options to check rheumatoid arthritis in hand. Call Medpho and get free consultation on #BasEkCall at 88569-88569 available 24*7.

Home remedies for arthritis in finger

Various home remedies can help you fight against arthritis in your finger. Some of them are discussed below.

Deep Breathing

Slow belly breathing techniques can calm you and turn off the stress receptors that compress your muscles and aggravate the pain. Moreover, when you focus on your breathing, you take your brain away from ideas about pain.



Meditation is a simple and impactful technique that focuses on your breathing and witnessing each inhale and exhale. It doesn't need any spiritual ideas, and it isn't about being super quiet. Anyone w can practice it for a few minutes can make a distinction. Your mind will practically wander, and that's good. Just return your attention to your breath or whatever you focus on.


Various types of arthritis can influence the hands and wrists, and its signs may vary. It can cause pain, swelling, and a loss of function. If you notice such symptoms in your finger, hand, or wrist joints that could indicate arthritis, you should seek medical attention immediately. Though a cure is not possible to treat arthritis, early treatment may help relieve signs and reduce the long-term consequence of the condition.

For any information related to free surgery under Ayushman Yojana or any queries regarding Ayushman Bharat Yojana, Contact Medpho on #BasEkCall at 88569-88569.
