
Common Cold in Babies: Is anything serious?

Medpho Team May 1, 2023

After birth, babies get a lot of colds because of their building immunity. In a span of one year, a baby can get catch cold almost 7 to 8 times.

New mothers get worried about the common cold in babies. However, it is a common issue that is nothing severe.

Here’s a blog for mothers dealing with regular colds in their babies to stay informed. Keep reading to know the causes, symptoms, prevention tips and treatment options for the common cold in babies.

How do babies catch a cold?

Cold in babies is caused by viruses or germs that affect the nose and throat of your infant. Babies touch many things throughout the day and are at risk of getting cold through viruses living on the objects.

Babies also put toys, keys, and other objects in their mouths. Viruses often live on such things for hours and can transfer to the baby's mouth. Moreover, viruses can be transmitted from the parent’s hands to the baby while handling them, changing their diapers, etc. This way, the virus or germs can affect the baby’s nose and throat and result in a common cold.

Common Cold Causes in Babies

After birth, a baby's immune system isn’t that built up to fight viruses. There are over 200 viruses that can affect your little munchkin until he is two years old.

The virus can be spread from the air, through direct contact with the affected person, or on contaminated surfaces. Babies touch many things while playing, and thus, there is an increased risk of getting infected.

Common Cold Symptoms in Babies

Common Cold Symptoms in Babies

You will see the following common cold symptoms in your baby if he gets infected:

  • Runny nose
  • Fever 
  • Sneezing
  • Cough
  • Fussiness
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Slightly swollen glands
  • Trouble sleeping

How to prevent the common cold in babies?

With easy chances of getting a cold, there is so much less to do to prevent it. However, with the following preventive measures, you can lower your baby's risk of getting sick.

  • If anyone in your home has a cold, ask them to stay away from the baby.
  • Clean toys with soap and water regularly to ensure no active germs on them.
  • Wash your hands 4-5 times a day to clean your hands.

Anyone who plays with the baby or handles him asks them to wash their hands.

  • Maintain hygiene all around the house to maintain cleanliness.
  • Take extra care of your baby in winter.

These preventive tips will help your lower the risk of cold in babies.

Let’s now talk about the treatment options for colds in babies.

Treatment Options

Treatment Options

A cold is an infection that affects a baby’s nose and throat. There is nothing severe about cold in babies, but it can be challenging for parents at times.

There is no specific treatment for colds. In most cases, most symptoms ease on their own with special care and home remedies.

If your baby catches a cold and experiences severe symptoms, consult a doctor at the earliest. A specialist called a pediatrician will examine the symptoms and choose a treatment plan accordingly.

Let us look at things to remember while treating a cold in a baby:

  • Don’t give antibiotics to babies as these medicines kill bacteria but viruses cause colds.
  • Avoid giving any painkiller or any random medication to your toddler. These medicines can have severe side effects on your baby’s health.
  • After consulting a doctor, you can give acetaminophen or ibuprofen medicine to your baby to lower the fever.
  • Keep your baby hydrated by giving him enough water and fresh fruit juices. It will keep him hydrated and keep his nose and mouth moist.
  • If your baby can’t breathe properly, you can try the saline solution. For this, spray a saline solution in both the nostrils to loosen the mucus. Next, suction out the mucus with the help of a rubber bulb. This technique helps the baby breathe properly.

Apart from the above options, you can always talk to an expert to clear your queries.


Getting a few colds is normal until your baby’s immune system becomes strong. As parents, it is common to experience worries and tension. However, you can manage the colds properly with the correct information and guidance.

In most cases, the cold and its symptoms will go away independently. If your baby shows severe symptoms, you can contact Medph with #BasEkCalll at 88569-88569 and get an expert’s advice.
