
What Are Most Common Monsoon Diseases and Their Prevention?

Medpho Team April 27, 2023

Finally, there is some relief from the heat. It is time to bring out the multicolored umbrellas, waterproof bags, and raincoats from the closet.

Monsoon, also known as flu season, is thought to be the most fertile breeding season for infectious microorganisms. Every monsoon season, the risk of contracting numerous diseases is extremely high due to unhygienic conditions and a failure to follow basic preventive measures. Many of these monsoon diseases go undetected until they become problematic. During the rainy season, early identification and treatment of diseases can mean the difference between life and death. Here are some common ailments to be wary of throughout this season. It's also beneficial to be aware of disease prevention and safety precautions that you and your family can take.

7 Common Mansoon Diseases and Their Prevention

1. Influenza (Cold and Flu)

The common cold is one of India's most common health problems during the monsoon season, and it is a highly contagious disease. 

Due to the spread of the virus in the air, which infects the upper respiratory system and affects the nose and throat. Symptoms involve a runny nose, body ache, throat inflammation, soreness, and fever. To get rid of an illness, it is always a good option to visit a healthcare provider and take the prescribed medications.

Preventive Measures of Influenza

The easiest method to prevent the common cold is to eat a good, balanced, and nutritious diet daily, strengthening the body's immune system and increasing resistance.

2. Cholera

During the monsoon season, cholera is another common disease that spreads. Contaminated food and water, as well as unhealthy living situations, induce this disease. Severe diarrhoea with watery stools and vomiting are common cholera symptoms, leading to fast water loss and muscle cramping. Diarrhoea can be severe enough to induce dehydration and electrolyte imbalance in just a few hours. The presence of V. cholera bacteria in a stool sample can be determined using a fast dipstick test.

Cholera needs immediate treatment because the disease can cause death within hours. The purpose is to replace lost fluids and electrolytes with oral rehydration salts (ORS), a basic rehydration solution. The ORS solution comes as a powder that needs to be blended with boiled or bottled water to make a solution. Treatment for cholera does not necessitate the use of antibiotics.

Preventive Measures of Cholera

Providing clean drinking water, improved sanitation, and improved hand washing are all preventative methods.

3. Typhoid

Typhoid is a bacterial infection spread by water caused by the Salmonella bacteria, which causes intestinal ulcers and fever. This disease is transmitted by eating or drinking contaminated food or water contaminated with the faeces of an infected person. A diagnosis can be made using any blood, bone marrow, stool cultures, or the Widal test.

Symptoms of the disease include a prolonged high temperature, severe abdominal discomfort, and headache; vomiting is also a common symptom. The worst aspect is that the infection from this condition might stay in the patient's gall bladder even after being treated.

This highly infectious and contagious disease spreads through contaminated food and water during the monsoon season. The main cause of Typhoid Fever is poor hygiene and sanitation. Fever, headache, sore throat, and stomach pain are common symptoms. Blood Culture, Rapid Typhoid, and Widal are the typhoid tests that can be performed.

Preventive Measures of Typhoid

Providing clean drinking water, improved sanitation, and hand washing are all preventative methods.

4. Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A is a highly infectious liver infection caused by the hepatitis A virus. It is a waterborne viral infection that is spread by flies and is usually caused by the consumption of contaminated food containing the virus's feces. Infection can be spread by eating contaminated fruits, vegetables, or other foods that were handled improperly. This disease's symptom is produced by virus-induced liver inflammation.

Signs and symptoms include jaundice (yellow eyes and skin, urine), stomach pain, loss of appetite, nausea, fever, diarrhoea, and fatigue. Hepatitis A can be detected in your body by blood tests.

Preventive Measures of Hepatitis A

The most effective way to prevent hepatitis A is to practice good hygiene, including washing hands frequently. Vaccines are available for those who are most susceptible.

5. Dengue

Dengue fever is a disease spread by mosquitos that a virus family causes. The disease is spread by the tiger mosquito (Aedes Aegypti), which has black and white stripes and bites early in the morning or at dawn. Dengue fever is often known as "breakbone fever."

Severe joint and muscular pain, swollen lymph nodes, headache, fever, tiredness, and a rash are signs and symptoms of dengue fever.

Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is a serious complication of dengue infection, and it is a rare condition that mostly affects youngsters under the age of ten. Dengue hemorrhage (bleeding) and circulatory collapse are symptoms of this dengue complication (shock).

Preventive Measures of Dengue

  • As mosquitoes spread it, one should use a strong insect repellent containing DEET to prevent getting bitten.
  • People should also wear full sleeve apparel when out throughout the day.
  • It is vital to remember that the dengue mosquito bites only during the day and breeds in clean, fresh water. So any water buildup should be avoided.

6. Malaria

Malaria is spread by mosquitos breeding in contaminated water, making it one of the most common monsoon-related disorders. Because there is an issue with water logging during the rainy season, mosquitoes have ideal circumstances to breed. Female Anopheles mosquitos are the carriers of this disease. Plasmodium falciparum is the most severe type of malaria, also known as cerebral malaria, and is responsible for most deaths. Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium ovale, and Plasmodium malariae are the other types of malaria.

Malarial Fever

Maximum cases of Malarial Fever are seen in monsoon season. Mosquitoes are responsible for transmission, and rain creates conditions for breeding mosquitoes in water-logged areas. Symptoms range from mild to severe, like fever with chills, headache, jaundice, extreme exhaustion, tiredness, and fluctuating state of consciousness. Malarial Parasite (MP) Smear and Malarial Parasite (MP) Antigen are two tests that can be performed.

Preventive Measures of Malaria

  • Take antimalarial medicine as a precautionary measure in mosquito-infested areas.
  • In addition, take precautions to avoid mosquito bites, such as wearing long-sleeved clothing.
  • During the monsoon season, anti repellent mosquito creams and electronic insect repellent gadgets can be used to keep mosquitos at bay at home.
  • Accumulation of dirty water must be maintained under control to prevent malaria mosquito breeding.
  • Indoor residual spraying (IRS) and insecticide-treated mosquito nets (ITNs) have been proved to be highly efficient in avoiding malaria in your neighborhood and reducing mosquito breeding.

7. Viral Fever

The term viral fever refers to any fever caused by a virus. Viral fever is commonly caused by a sudden change in weather and is characterized by fatigue, chills, body pains, and fever. The sickness spreads through airborne infection droplets or direct contact with infected secretions. Viral fever can continue anywhere from three to seven days, with the severity of the fever peaking in the first three days.

Viral Fever

The general treatment of side effects and symptoms using OTC drugs in consultation with their doctor, antihistamines, decongestants, and antipyretic drugs are usually recommended. Viral sickness is usually self-limiting and generally does not require antibiotics unless there is a secondary infection.

Preventive Measures of Viral Fever

  • Ensure that you do not get wet in the rain or that you do not stay in damp clothes for an extended period of time.
  • Wash their hands frequently,
  • Boost their immunity by eating Vitamin C-rich meals and green leafy vegetables. They must also keep a distance from the affected individual.

Avoid self-medication with antibiotics. Though it is highly contagious, the chances of it turning life-threatening are quite rare. If symptoms are severe or persistent, consult our expert doctor call 88569-88569 to rule out any bacterial infection. Flu vaccines can often prove beneficial, and one needs to take a booster every year.
