
A Complete Guide to First Aid for Fractures

Medpho Team May 9, 2023

A fracture is a broken bone that results from an external force caused by an accident, trauma, falls, or bone stress. Fractures can also occur due to medical conditions like osteoporosis or some cancers.

Broken bones aren’t a severe issue, but it is crucial to identify their onset and provide urgent medical care to the patient.

This blog is a complete guide on first aid for fractures and when to contact an expert.

Types of Fractures

  • Open Fractures: Fractures in which the skin is torn and bleeding are called open (compound fractures). These fractures are severe and need specialized care.
  • Closed Fractured: The broken bone doesn’t tear the skin in such fractures.

Signs and Symptoms of Fracture

Signs and Symptoms of Fracture

The symptoms might vary based on the type and cause of a fracture. However, some common fracture symptoms include:

  • Intense pain that gets worse after a movement
  • Numbness
  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Discoloured skin
  • Angulation of the affected area 
  • Bleeding in open fractures

Call Medpho at 88569-88569 and get a free telephonic consultation with our expert doctors if you notice any symptoms.

When to seek an urgent medical assistant for fractures?

You should call an ambulance or an expert if you notice that:

  • There is heavy bleeding.
  • A bone has pierced or torn the skin.
  • The patient isn’t breathing or moving at all. Try CPR if there is no heartbeat.
  • The fracture is in the neck, head or back.

A Guide to First Aid of Fractures

A Guide to First Aid of Fractures

If you suspect that someone got a bone fractured, here is a guide to providing first-aid care.

  • In case of an open fracture, stop the bleeding by applying pressure using a sterile bandage or clean piece of clothing.
  • Avoid moving the affected area as it can cause complications.
  • Don’t try to realign or fix the broken bone on your own. However, suppose you are trained on how to splint or are a professional. In that case, you can apply a splint above and below the affected area. 
  • Wrap ice in a cloth and cold press the swollen area to ease the symptoms.
  • To treat the patient’s shock, make sure they are comfortable, make them lay down, and cover them with a blanket to keep them warm.

Once all this is done, you can contact an expert for further care and treatment. They will diagnose the condition and suggest an appropriate treatment. They will put a cast over the fracture to fix the broken bone in most cases.

Casts are necessary to heal a fracture and ease the pain by restricting the movement. However, it is crucial to take care of the cast to avoid complications.

If you suspect you or someone you know has a fracture, contact Medpho with #BasEkCall at 88569-88569 and get the best fracture treatment.
