
11 Risk Factors of Brain Stroke | Medpho

Medpho Team May 1, 2023

Heart attack and a brain stroke are similar in most ways. There is no wrong in saying that: as an attack is to the heart, a stroke is to the brain. 

Both attack and a stroke have a sudden onset when oxygen-rich blood is cut off. Both produce immediate symptoms and can be life-threatening.

Today, in this blog, we will talk about 11 causes and risk factors of brain stroke so that you can decrease your odds.

What is a stroke?

A stroke is a medical condition in which the brain cells start to die when:

  • There is a disruption in the flow of oxygen-rich blood (Ischemic stroke),
  • A blood vessel in the brain bursts (Hemorrhagic stroke).

When either of these things happens, the brain cells become lifeless and start to die, resulting in permanent disability or loss of life.

Other than ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes, some people get mini-strokes called transient ischemic attacks (TIA). These strokes result from a temporary blockage that doesn’t cause permanent brain damage. However, people who get TIA are at risk of getting further strokes in the future.

It is crucial to know about its causes and risk factors to prevent a stroke. Let's understand each of them in detail.

Top 11 Brain Stroke Causes 

The following are different causes and risk factors of stroke. Some of these are in your control, while you don’t have control over the others. 


1. Obesity

Obesity is an established risk factor for stroke worldwide. If you are overweight, you are already at risk of developing health issues like hypertension, heart problems, etc. With all these increased risks, the risk of stroke becomes high.

To lower your risk of stroke, maintain a healthy weight. Don’t forget to exercise for at least 30 minutes every day. 


2. Diabetes

Patients with diabetes often have hypertension along with being overweight. All these things in combination improve your odds of getting a brain stroke. 

With diabetes, your body doesn't use insulin correctly, and excess glucose builds up in your blood. Over time, these levels can damage the blood vessels increasing the chance of stroke in the future.

Try to keep your diabetes in check along with maintaining a healthy weight. 

3. Medications

Certain medications have been linked to increased chances of stroke. For example, blood-thinning drugs that prevent blood clots can sometimes cause bleeding. Moreover, hormone therapy post-menopause and birth control pills can also increase your odds of a stroke.

4. High Blood Pressure

If you take any medications, make sure your doctor knows about them. 

High BP, also medically called hypertension, is a medical issue that increases your stroke risk. A blood pressure of 140/90 or above can cause damage to the blood vessels. 

If you have hypertension, don’t take it for granted. Talk to our experts for free at 88569-88569 and manage your blood pressure.

Moreover, if you suspect you have low blood pressure, you can read this blog: Is your loss of concentration caused by low blood pressure?

5. Smoking

Smoking or any kind of drug use has a lot of associated health risks. Smoking increases your risk of getting a stroke in different ways. Chemical substances like nicotine, carbon monoxide and oxidant gases are harmful to your overall health.

Quit smoking because:

  • Chemical substances can result in high blood pressure, eventually damaging blood vessels.
  • Cigarettes can cause fatty buildup in the main neck artery.
  • It can also thicken your blood and result in a blood clot.

If you are a regular smoker, quit smoking today. Moreover, your health is in danger as you become a passive smoker if someone around you smokes regularly. Take care of your health and the air you breathe in.

6. Heart Diseases

Heart problems are another risk factor for stroke. Diseases like coronary artery diseases, irregular heartbeat, and damaged heart valves increase your brain stroke chances.

If you have a similar health problem, stay in touch with your doctor to manage your disease and prevent future complications.

7. History of TIA

As mentioned at the blog's beginning, TIA, which stands for transient ischemic attacks, are mini-strokes that don’t cause permanent brain damage. However, if you had a TIA in the past, you are 10 times more likely at risk of getting a stroke.

If you had a TIA in the past, talk to our experts to decrease your risk of getting another stroke.

8. High RBC count

Polycythemia vera is a blood disorder with an increase in the red blood cell count. It results in blood thickening that eventually increases the risk of blood clots and stroke.

9. High Cholesterol Levels

Other than high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels are harmful to your health. High cholesterol levels cause thickening of the blood arteries (atherosclerosis), obstructing the blood flow towards the brain. 

A stroke is caused when the blood flow is cut off, and with high cholesterol, the flow becomes slow and might stop with increasing buildups. 

10. Excessive Alcohol Consumption

If you are a binge alcohol drinker, you should quit or consume it in moderation. Excessive alcohol is linked to high blood pressure.

Moreover, alcohol damages your liver, not allowing it to make substances that will enable blood to clot, eventually causing bleeding in the brain.

11. Age, Family and Gender

Some risks factors are beyond one’s control, like:

  • Your risk of getting a stroke increases after 55.
  • If you have a family history of stroke, you are at increased risk for the same.
  • Strokes are seen more in men than in women. However, more women die of stroke than men.


A brain stroke is a severe medical condition that can cause lifetime disability or a loss of life. The best way to treat or manage it is to notice early stroke symptoms and rush to a hospital.

To decrease your risk of stroke, pay attention to the factors mentioned above. If you have any health concerns that might increase your odds, contact Medpho on #BaskEkCall at 88569-88569 for a free teleconsultation with our stroke specialists.
