
Hernia - Causes, Symptoms, Types, Treatment & prevention

Medpho Team August 1, 2023

A hernia is a common disease; it can happen quickly, even to a healthy person. Usually, this disease occurs after the age of 40 to 50 and first affects the muscles are weak or an injury. The muscles of a person suffering from a hernia start coming out and go inside after sleeping. A hernia is usually a portion of fatty tissue.

What Causes Hernia?

A hernia is a disease in which the individual suffers a lot; in this condition, any part of the person's body starts hanging, and during this, the person also feels a lot of pain. There are many reasons for having a hernia, such as.

1.Hernia is prone to pregnant women because during pregnancy, the abdomen protrudes a lot, and there is also pressure on the stomach, due to which there is a risk of hernia later.

2.Constipation is also a significant reason for hernia; the person who is always complaining of constipation has pressure on his intestine, due to which hernia occurs.

3.There is also a risk of hernia due to heavy lifting and more than the limit.

4.People whose weight is more or not under control can also develop a hernia very quickly.

5.Persistent cough or sneezing can lead to a hernia, putting pressure on weak muscles.

If you want to know more about the causes of Hernia, don't delay #BasEkCall 88569-88569 immediately and get a FREE Doctor consultation with Medpho .

Hernia causes

Types of hernia

1.Inguinal hernia

It is more common among males, with protrusion seen in the groin, extending up to the scrotum. It is more common among aged males, people with a previous history of inguinal hernia, chronic smokers, people involved in lifting excessive heavyweight, positive family history of hernia, and those who are overweight.

2.Hiatus Hernia

Hiatus hernia grows when the stomach hangs out into the chest cavity via an opening in the diaphragm.

3.Umbilical Hernia

An umbilical hernia appears more commonly in kids, and babies born prematurely or those with meagre birth weight are likely to develop an umbilical hernia. Adult females who have undergone multiple pregnancies and are obese are also at a higher risk of suffering from an umbilical hernia.

4.Incisional hernia

Some patients who have undergone abdominal surgery in the past might experience organs or tissues protruding through the incision site; this is called an incisional hernia.

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Symptoms Of Hernia

A hernia in the groin or abdomen can build a noticeable lump or bulge that can be pushed back in, or that can vanish when lying down. Coughing, laughing, crying, straining during a bowel movement, or physical activity may make the lump reappear after it has been pushed in. More symptoms of a hernia incorporate:

  • Bulge or swelling in the groin or scrotum (the pouch containing the testicles).
  • Increased pain at the site of the bulge.
  • Pain while weight lifting.
  • Enhancement in the bulge size over time.
  • A pale aching sensation.
  • A sense of feeling full or indications of bowel obstacle.

In the hiatal hernia, there are no bulges on the outside of the body. Instead, symptoms may include difficulty swallowing, indigestion, heartburn, chest pain and frequent regurgitation (bringing food back up). 

Treatment Of Hernia

Many people believe that hernia is an incurable disease, and there is no cure, but this is wrong. Like all other diseases, a hernia can also be treated easily. If you are suffering from this disease, below All the treatments given are for hernia only.

1.Homoeopathic Cure

Homoeopathic treatment is also considered beneficial for any disease. This treatment has no side effects, and homoeopathic medicine in hernia has gained a lot of fame, due to which people trust it more.

Stay Alert & Stay Aware. Contact Medpho on #BasEkCall 88569-88569 and get done hernia diagnosis and surgeries at discounted rates.

Hernia treatment


In some cases, when people ignore the hernia disease, it reaches a severe condition, due to which there is a need for operation or surgery. In this situation, preference is given to laparoscopic surgery, as doctors also believe that this surgery is one of the most thriving treatments for a hernia. This surgery is done with the help of binoculars, which is also called binocular surgery. In this operation, all parts of the abdomen are examined using binoculars.

3.Open surgery

A hernia is also treated with open surgery; in this, a mesh is placed between two muscles. In this surgery, the mesh does not touch the intestine, the first layer of enlarged muscles, followed by a mesh and then a layer of muscles. 

4.Change Lifestyle

Usually, hernia occurs due to an unhealthy lifestyle; it is imperative to change your lifestyle and diet if you want to avoid this disease. Apart from this, this disease can also be avoided by keeping the weight under control.


Medicines do not work in this disease, but if you have more pain, you can take painkillers with the advice of a doctor but using medicines as little as possible. Apart from this, if the pain is unbearable, you can also use hot bags etc.

Prevention Of Hernia

  • Maintain ideal body weight by exercising and consuming a healthy diet.
  • Consume vegetables, whole grains and fruits to avoid constipation.
  • Use correct posture when lifting heavy objects or weights. Evade lifting anything that is exceeding your ability.
  • Consult a doctor when you are sick with ongoing sneezing or coughs.
  • Quit smoking, as the habit can lead to coughing that initiates a hernia.

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