
Facts about what causes Piles

Medpho Team August 1, 2023

The lifestyle of an average Indian has been immensely impacted due to his food habits and busy life schedule nowadays. An average Indian have a wide variety of food items on his table, and it mostly lacks the desired fiber content. Consuming a low-fiber diet ends up building strain during bowel movements. Pilesimpact over 10 million people yearly in India, but one can ease the discomfort when desired steps are taken. Consuming a small portion of fiber food leads to smaller and harder stools that are tougher to pass. Straining boosts further pressure in the abdomen, choking blood flow up the legs. With time increased pressure on the veins of the walls weaken up and end up in hemorrhoids. 

If you are suffering from piles due to a low fiber diet. Get accurate information and effective remedy with doctors on #BasEkCall at 88569-88569 with Medpho.

The Misunderstanding About Fiber-Rich Food 

Common misunderstandings about fiber food include the opinion that overeating fiber pushes you to experience more piles of problems. Too much fiber causes difficulty or excess bowel activities. When consumption of Fiber-rich food is more, it often results in constipation because additional fiber is not supplemented with the required water intake. Consuming fiber adds proportions to your stool and absorbs water, making it easier to move along your digestive tract. Lacking enough fluids in your system causes your stool to dry out, you become constipated, thereby enhancing your risk of hemorrhoids, or deteriorating an existing hemorrhoid problem.


Making Changes In Dietary Habit 

A diet prosperous in legumes, fruits, vegetables, and grains stimulates peristalsis. The fiber components draw water and create a gelatinous mass, which maintains the feces soft, easy to pass, and bulky. The net impact of a high fiber diet is extremely less straining during defecation. These substances, especially pectin, psyllium seed, and guar gum, possess a mild laxative action owing to their ability to attract water and form a gelatinous mass.

Knowing Fiber Types 

Insoluble Fiber 

There are primarily two types of fiber. The first one is an insoluble type, and the other is soluble fiber. The insoluble fiber is the type that allows the prevention of hemorrhoids and allows to merge with food in the digestive system, adding bulk. The insoluble fiber mainly constitutes cellulose, lignin, or hemicellulose, which cannot break down. Insoluble fiber food includes wheat bran, nuts, whole-wheat bread, and vegetables like broccoli.

Soluble fiber

Talking about soluble fiber, discovered in foods such as potatoes, apple sauce, pasta, oatmeal, and bananas. It dissolves in water and progresses through the body, and slows digestion, making you feel fuller, longer. 

Low Fiber Foods To Avoid 

Low fiber food

Intake of low fiber foods can result in constipation and, at the same time, can worsen piles.       

  • Restriction of dairy products like milk and cheese    
  • Avoid intake of refined food like white bread, pasta, noodles, etc.    
  • Processed meats are low in fiber and high in sodium.      
  • Consuming salty and spicy foods will make piles more sensitive and painful.     
  • Beverages and Alcohol can solidify your stool and may increase pain.

Need to know about low fiber diet which is the cause of piles. Get free doctor consultation on #BasEkCall at 88569-88569 with Medpho

If you are constantly suffering from piles disorder and need health advice from a dietician.  Get free doctor consultation on #BasEkCall at 88569-88569 with Medpho.
